Change and Internal Resistance

Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer. A framework for self-improvement. Discussion of methods (and substances) to help change the way you think.
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Change and Internal Resistance

Post by hash3r »

I've made this post because while listening to a video on YT I heard a quote that hit me hard with respect to what's going on in my life. The quote is

"Stop resisting the changes that come your way, instead, let life live through you, and do not worry that your life is turning upside down and not going the way you want it to. How do you know that the side that you are used to is better than the one that's to come?"

The quote is nothing special, it's the thoughts that came from it that are more important. I am certain that my life is going in the right direction, but as change is happening in my life, I realize that I am resisting it. The quote made me realize this. For some reason, I thought the things that I once did I could do for the new challenges in my life. This is very wrong and as the quote speaks too, the changes that come with harder challenges and bigger goals cause you too to almost feel like your life is turning upside down. But in reality that is just resistance to change and that is because the next level is unknown to us. Learning to let go and let this change happen is very important.

This idea of the internal battle is often unspoken literally because we humans tend to be bad at listening to the brain and internally communicating, aka introspection.
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Re: Change and Internal Resistance

Post by cmdpirx »

I think that you should decide for yourself if the changes you are resisting are worth it. Yes, you are changing, and the shows you liked three years ago aren't the same. You are aging, and the brain is constantly rewiring itself. Therefore, changes are inevitable. However, it is up to you to decide if you like them and steer the ship named 'Your Life' away from this path. It's the same with everything; if you are slowly becoming something that you don't want to be, then force yourself to move away from that bog.
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Re: Change and Internal Resistance

Post by boo »

Your quote reminds me a lot of Bruce Lees famous 'water' monologue

The tree that bends survives the storm. The mighty oak, rigid and strong as it is, breaks and falls.

Rolling with the punches is a necessity of a successful life imo. Adaptability is a must. I've been living a very adaptable lifestyle for the past few months and it almost feels like the world is telling me in which direction I should go next. Thats not to say I'm living the lifestyle of a destinies child, I still maintain my own projects, goals, and plans, but such plans are constantly being re-adjusted. The directions I feel pushed torwards have so far aligned with my values and most often are integratable with my existing plans and goals, sometimes accelerating or enhancing them.
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